In an economic situation as complex as the current one, companies face a very difficult challenge to overcome: how is it possible to have the most modern technology when the investment possibility is adjusted?
To this problem, KAISERSISTEMAS offers its customers a very cost-effective and quality solution: retrofitting. The cost of the total retrofitting of a machine can be 50% cheaper than purchasing a new machine of similar characteristics. This percentage varies depending on each machine model. As a general rule we can say that the saving is greater the greater dimensions of the machine that you want to update technologically, since the structure of the machine is the main element that is used when retrofitting is performed.
KAISERSISTEMAS retrofitting service can be considered as an alternative that allows combining quality and good prices. The retrofitting process of the machines is carried out in the central production unit of KAISER SISTEMAS in L´ARBOÇ (SPAIN), where the most modern means of assembly and control are used. After retrofitting, each machine is subjected to a verification, running the ISO2953 standard test, and its accuracy and quality are certified as if they were new machines recently manufactured. The retrofitting, or technological update of a machine, can be done either partially or totally.
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